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How to create a service to fetch Reddit RSS in node.js?


How to create a service to fetch Reddit RSS in node.js?

In today's world, staying up-to-date with the latest news and discussions on various topics can be overwhelming. Fortunately, there are many online communities and forums where people can share their thoughts and ideas, such as Reddit. With its vast collection of subreddits covering almost every imaginable topic, Reddit is a great source of information and entertainment for millions of users around the world.

However, navigating Reddit and finding the most relevant and interesting discussions can be a challenge. That's where Reddit-RSS comes in. By providing a simple and easy-to-use worker service, Reddit-RSS makes it possible to keep track of the latest posts and comments on any subreddit of your choice, without having to constantly check Reddit manually. In this blog post, we will explore how Reddit-RSS works and how it can help you stay informed and engaged with your favorite communities on Reddit.

Reddit rss

We will create a simple script to fetch data from reddit rss.

const Parser = require('rss-parser')
const parser = new Parser()

const subreddit = 'news' // Replace with the subreddit you want to fetch posts from
const numberOfPosts = 5 // Replace with the number of posts you want to fetch

;(async () => {
  // Fetch the RSS feed for the specified subreddit
  const feed = await parser.parseURL(`${subreddit}/.rss`)

  // Print the title and link of the top 5 posts
  for (let i = 0; i < numberOfPosts; i++) {
    const post = feed.items[i]
    console.log(`${post.title}: ${}`)

This script uses the rss-parser package to parse the RSS feed for the specified subreddit, and then loops through the top 5 posts (or the number of posts specified by the numberOfPosts variable) and prints their titles and links.

If you want to learn about creating scheduler services in Node.js, the article below provides a detailed explanation and step-by-step instructions for setting up a scheduler service using this popular JavaScript runtime environment. Whether you are new to Node.js or have some experience with it, this article will provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to create efficient and reliable scheduler services for your applications.


How to register a node.js service to windows service

To register a Node.js service as a Windows service, you can use the nssm tool. nssm is a command-line tool that allows you to install and manage Windows services. It provides a convenient way to register a Node.js script as a Windows service, so that the script can be run automatically in the background.

Here are the steps to register a Node.js service as a Windows service using nssm:

  1. Install nssm on your Windows machine. You can download nssm from the following URL:
  2. Once nssm is installed, open a command prompt and navigate to the directory where nssm is installed. By default, this is C:\Program Files (x86)\nssm\ on 64-bit systems, or C:\Program Files\nssm\ on 32-bit systems.
  3. Use the following command to register your Node.js script as a Windows service:
nssm install <service-name> <path-to-node> <path-to-script>

Replace <service-name> with the name you want to give to the service, <path-to-node> with the path to the node.exe binary on your system, and <path-to-script> with the path to the Node.js script that you want to run as a service.

For example, if your Node.js script is called app.js and is located in the C:\myapp\ directory, and if the node.exe binary is located in the C:\nodejs\ directory, you can use the following command to register the script as a service:

nssm install MyAppService C:\nodejs\node.exe C:\myapp\app.js

This command will create a new Windows service called "MyAppService" that runs the app.js script using the node.exe binary.

  1. Once the service has been registered, you can start, stop, and manage it using the Windows Services manager. To do this, open the Services manager by typing services.msc in the Start menu search box, and then locate the service in the list of services. You can use the options in the Services manager to start, stop, and configure the service as needed.

That's it! Your Node.js script should now be running as a Windows service, and will be started automatically when your machine boots up. You can use the nssm tool to manage the service, or use the Windows Services manager to control it. For more information about nssm and how to use it, you can check out the tool's documentation at

Add data to the google sheet

To add rows to a Google Sheet using the google-spreadsheet library, you will need to first install the library using the following command:

npm install google-spreadsheet

Once the library is installed, you can use the following code to add rows to a Google Sheet:

const sheets = require('google-spreadsheet');

// Load the sheet
const doc = new sheets.GoogleSpreadsheet('<YOUR_SHEET_ID>');
await doc.useServiceAccountAuth(<YOUR_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CREDENTIALS>);
await doc.loadInfo();

// Get the first sheet
const sheet = doc.sheetsByIndex[0];

// Create an array of rows to insert
const rows = [
  [<TITLE_1>, <URL_1>],
  [<TITLE_2>, <URL_2>],
  // ...

// Insert the rows
await sheet.addRows(rows);

In this code, you will need to replace SHEET_ID with the ID of the Google Sheet that you want to add rows to, and CREDENTIALS with the credentials for your Google account. You will also need to replace the column1, column2, etc. values with the values for the new row that you want to add to the sheet.

Once you have added this code, you can run it to add a new row to the specified Google Sheet. It's worth noting that the specific steps for adding rows to a Google Sheet may vary depending on your specific setup, so you may need to consult the google-spreadsheet library's documentation or reach out to their support team for more detailed instructions.

If you want more detailed instructions on setting up credentials for the Google Sheets API, check out the article below.